Monday, October 19, 2009


Okay so this is a major update on everything!

So about two months ago I turned my laptop on and all of a sudden the thing just wouldn't turn on. I didn't know what to do. I was actually logging on to do homework and school junk and it just wouldn't work on me, to add insult to injury I had just bought a $250 computer program for an online class I was taking. Well here I go calling my brother for help. He lent me his laptop and took mine but his was a piece of crap and decided that I would just wait it out...thinking it was going to be about 2 weeks max. Fast forward almost two months later and I am just getting my lappy back. Apparently it had a lot of work involved but I am just so grateful I have it back because I missed it. I got out of the routine of things and well unfortunately I had a whole bunch of videos backed up that I lost and all my pictures and everything got lost. :'( Oh so sad. I didn't even ask what happened to it if he even knew but at least I have it back and will hopefully start filming tomorrow.

On to better things...

The husband is back from overseas and we are currently looking to move and stuff so for a while I will be super busy with that but I am very excited about this new (short) chapter in our lives. This also means cutting back on a few expenses that don't need to be made at the moment. This means I need to cut back a bit on makeup. I am so sad to say this but I will be looking for a job pretty soon in the new city we will be moving to and once that's in place things will settle and I should be back into my old routine. I have realized that his salary alone will not cover new housing expenses, bills, school, AND makeup. I need to do my part and well I don't mind working for my stuff. I am looking forward to finding a new job. Of course since the husband is a military man he is not the happiest with me working but he will get over it.


Okay so Sephora is having their friends and family sale right now and of course I had to jump on it. Unfortunately I only got three things but I am happy with what I got. I will post pictures as soon as I get my hands on them! :)

I have been doing a lot of home shopping and I am almost done with my kitchen. I can't wait to move so I can set everything up!
I recently bought some pretty stainless steal pots and pans, they are some awesome Paula Deen copper bottom cook ware....
I know it's not the best picture but I just googled it so you guys could get an idea. Anyways after buying this at the NEX (Navy Exchange store) I later found some even prettier pink ones that go with my all pink kitchen and I fell even more in love! I am hoping that the next time I go they will still be there because they are just awesome and I am kicking myself for not buying them! plan is to have my whole kitchen pink. Of course it is my favorite color and I have almost everything including a blender, microwave, toaster, mixer, knives, toaster oven, crock-pot, utensils, coffee maker, and a milk shake mixer. I think I have everything pink, the only thing is that I found a Keurig B70 Platinum in a price that I could not beat and got it, oh and my bread maker isn't pink either. They sorta stand out...especially since I use my Keurig more than my coffee maker. I guess they are the same thing but the Keurig makes single cups and I can choose different flavors all the time which is awesome. If you ever consider getting it! I found mine at Bed, Bath and Beyond on clearance because someone returned it without a box or instructions so I kinda had to figure out everything on my own but it wasn't hard and I love it. I really like the pretty blue light too but anyways. I can't wait till we have our own place and I can play in my kitchen. My husband doesn't like it all that much but he told me as long as I didn't paint the BBQ pit pink he was I had to promise not to do it.


It is really late and I need to go to sleep...I just felt like updating and rambling a bit. I will post more pictures and make sure to stay on my makeup subjects....I can't wait to be back in full swing of things and start making more contests and fun things.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

New beginning...New Intro...All about me.

Okay so I decided to delete all my previous posts and start fresh. I want make my blog into something that even I want to go back and look at. So this is going to be all about my passion.

Today I was talking to one of my best friends and telling her how I was spending all this money going to school to be a nurse and how I was planning to keep going to be a psychologist and of course I need at least a Masters in psychology to get anywhere but ultimately I just wanted to work in makeup. I had found a friend on face book and I was so jealous to see that she was working at Sephora and I told her that if I never worked a day in my life as a nurse or as a psychologist and just work somewhere with makeup or with a photographer doing makeup i would consider myself successful. That is my passion and yes I know that I don't know all the tips and tricks but I am willing to learn because I love it. She told me that I should do what makes me happy but how can I work in the industry living in a town with no more than 5,500 people. We only have one grocery store and it's not even a big one. We don't have a mall or anything that sells decent makeup around here. I have to drive at least an hour and a half to get to a MAC or a Sephora. I can't do what makes me happy because of location.

Location, location, location...yes it all comes down to that with everything in life. I was looking back and realizing that right out of high school I had moved away for college and there was a MAC counter in the mall. I knew of MAC at the time and loved it but couldn't afford it but once every 3 to 4 months and I would love going and looking at all the pretties but I never thought of actually applying for a job there. I worked at a crappy little boutique, I worked at Linens-N-Things, and even at a day care but I never thought about working at MAC. I didn't work my first year of college, I wanted to get the feel of things and once summer came I got my first job since high school at the boutique. It was fun at first but after about a week I hated it. They didn't respect me or my school schedule and they gave me crappy hours and after giving them two weeks notice that I wanted my birthday off, they still had me scheduled to work that day and I was so mad. One girl wasn't working that day and I had asked her if she wanted to, she was more than happy to take the job and the manager said no. I had to work a day before my final exam for a summer class and I was so upset and I was driving and talking to my dad and he was the one who told me to quit, so I did, by that time I had the job at Linens-N-Things already and had put my two weeks notice in so I decided to not work my last two weeks and just quit...that also gave me my birthday off. After working at that crappy job I worked at LNT which was nice and I would always go to MAC and look at stuff and sometimes buy a thing or two but even then I never asked for a job there.

I ended up moving back home and a few months after that I got married. I started school again and we noticed that I needed to work so I found a great job at The American Bank Center. It is the place where they have all the concerts and events and such. I got to work one day and then I had jury duty back home so I had to miss a day of school and a day at work to drive home to go to a jury duty thing that got canceled after everyone had already signed in. That day was the day that turned my whole life upside down. While taking the two hour drive back home there was a deer in the road and I hit it, lost control of my car and did a double roll-over. I ended up in the median which was kind of like a ditch in a way and freaking out. They took me to the hospital and ran a few tests and sent me home. I felt okay until the next morning when I realized I felt a train ran over me. I only had a bump on my head and thought that was it. My parents went to see me and told me my car was a total loss and my mom kept telling me to go home with her so that she could take care of me. I didn't want to leave my husband by himself but didn't realize he had to work and I was the one who was going to be left by herself. The next day I asked my husbands aunt to drive me halfway home and my mom drove the other half to pick me up. After getting more tests I realized I had a back injury that wasn't noticed in the ER.

Fast forward 2 1/2 years later and I am still alive and well but unfortunately I have arthritis in my back, this prevents me from doing so much stuff that I used to do on a regular basis. I used to take advantage and not be grateful for what I had and what I did, now I don't remember a day where there isn't any pain in my body. Yes the meds help but if I don't take my meds I am in pain, and if I do take my meds I am all loopy. My life changed completely and I don't know if I will ever be 'me' again. This is the new me now, I have to consider everything that I do and see if it is truely worth the pain that I will be feeling later on that day or the next day.

My husband has been in Iraq for over a year and will be home soon and I will be starting yet another year of school. Life is funny sometimes and we are just here for the ride. We don't know what life has in store for us and we just have to wait and see what's ahead. I am hoping that my husband has good news and that maybe just maybe we might move somewhere where there is a place that I can work and do what I really want to do.

I love shopping and I love makeup. I am a girly girl, what can I say? Since I was a little girl I used to see my mom put her makeup on Sunday mornings before church (that was usually the only day she wore makeup unless she would go out somewhere any other day) and I always thought my mom was so beautiful but somehow when she had her makeup on she transformed into this flawless woman. You could even tell she had a bit of a bounce in her step and she felt even more confident and I always wanted to know what it was like. I always felt like I wasn't old enough to wear makeup and finally when I was able to I wanted to explore and have fun with it. I never really wore the neutral colors, I always wanted bold and loud colors. I loved those looks and felt like that was more of my style. I still like those looks. I feel like if I could work somewhere where I can express my individuality I would honestly never work a day in my life. Makeup is a form of artwork and in school I was never into art until I found that makeup was my art and my face was my canvas. I feel like I can express so much with makeup. I want others to feel the way I feel when I have my makeup on. I feel so pretty and feminine and I truly feel like a girl and I want to share that. I want to work with makeup and share my passion with others. I guess it's just something I have wanted since I was little.

Okay so this is me. I am a proud Army Wife, I am a student, and I am an aspiring artist. I want to share looks, I want to maybe to tutorials, and I want to share my thoughts with this page. I am on youtube and I mainly do reviews because I don't have a good camera to be able to do tutorials but I would love to do some. I mainly just want to share my passion and meet others with the same passion that I have. My ultimate goal is to work with makeup, whether it be in retail or in makeup artistry. I want to one day look back at this post and say, "I did it, everything I wanted I now have." One day...